Monday, June 20, 2011

Deferred Dreams

When I was young, I thought everything was so simple and easy. But once I got out of the real world, I realized life isn’t that easy as what I perceived it.
During the college years, I started to dream BIG! I dreamed that I will be able to get into the job that I wanted, a radio DJ or an event planner or a cameraman or a photographer or a location manager and the least that I wanted, just to be in the production field or anything that is in-line with my course.
But life is too tough; I don’t have any choice but to be employed to a job that can pay my bills, CALL CENTER AGENT. This is the only industry that can support me financially and this is the only industry that has fast and easy employment process. But this isn’t the job that I want.
After graduation, I said that I’ll just try this for maybe a year and after that then I can be in the job that I want. But it wasn’t that easy, job openings and job offers in the production industry is too stiff and rare. There are openings, but they require at least a year of experience, in which I don’t have since I was stuck at the four corners of my station with my headsets on.
At first, I thought being a call centre agent was quite easy, but I was wrong. This is a really tough job. You talked to a lot of people and dealing with different type of people. Finding solutions for someone else problems. This is a challenging job, but everything becomes a routine as time passes. You were asked for the same questions and you answered them with the same answer. You keep on explaining things over and over again.  It’s not that I am mocking the call centre, but that’s the reality. You started to get bored with it, lose your motivation and all that and you started to look for something that you really want.
I guess this is what happens when you are still young and single and you started to realize that you no longer like what you are doing. You started to look for the things that you love to do. You wanted to work doing the things that you are passionate for.
At this point no matter how I badly want to leave the BPO industry, as long as I have huge bills that I have to pay, I have to stick with this industry and put my dreams aside. I don’t know how long I will be putting my dream job on the side, but I hope it won’t be that long; that it will not come to a point that it is already too late.

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