Thursday, June 16, 2011


MCF stands for McDonald’s Coke float and Fries or simply MY COMFORT FOOD.  J
I’m not so sure if everyone has their own comfort food, but for me McDonald’s Coke float and fries has been my comfort food since college. Whenever I’m sad, frustrated, depressed or I just want to treat myself, soda float and fries were there for me! J
I don’t know why but there’s something with these foods that satisfies me. I can go with any fries; I’m so in love with French guys, I mean French fries. J But with soda float, I prefer the soda float from McDonald’s. Coke float or the flavoured Sprite float is fine as long it’s from McDonald’s. For me they have the most tasteful and delicious soda float in town! I’ve tried the one from Jollibee and KFC but I didn’t like it.
I have these weird way of eating fries and Mc Float. For the French fries, instead of dipping it a ketchup or gravy sauce, I would rather dip in on the sundae on the float. Afterwards, I will eat the sundae first on the float, then when there’s only few left from the sundae I’ll mix it with the soda. TASTES GOOD! YUMMY! J
I also made it as a sign from God when it comes to destined one for me. I said that, if the person that will be courting me found out without me or my friends mentioning it to him, that these are the only foods that make me happy, then he is the right one.

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